Moje sanje, lepo stanovanje / The Happiest Apartment in the World

Year: 2010
Duration: 00:04:08

The video is my intervention for the exhibition AT HOME: Architects France and Marta Ivanšek in Museum of Modern Art, Ljubljana.

The sentence used in the video is borrowed from the book “Single Family House”, by architect France Ivanšek, published by the author, Ljubljana, 1988.

The title of the video is a reference to the movie The Sound of Music.

The Slovenian title of the movie (Moje pesmi, moje sanje) would directly translate as: My songs, my dreams. The film remains a popular classic and it’s title is strongly anchored in our collective subconscious as a representative of a strong wish and a promise of happiness. An advertising campaign recently used a modified slogan as a reference to the movie title: Moje sanje, novo stanovanje (My dreams, a new apartment).

And my response is: my dreams, a beautiful apartment.

The original Slovenian sentence from the book:

Sugestije iz revij nam obljubljajo skoraj popolno srečo,
če se bomo zgledovali po primerih “znanih ljudi”.

Slovensko | English

Vesna Bukovec is a contemporary visual artist based in Slovenia.

She is a member of the art group KOLEKTIVA

