A different world is possible
Year: 2021
Technique: digital drawing
The drawing shows a mass protest of young people with a bunch of demands and appeals. They actively demand from decision-makers and society a radical turn in the direction of systemic changes, against the politics of hatred, racism and the wire on the border. They demand a more solidary society, which is oriented towards climate justice, degrowth, respect for different lifestyles and human rights. Young people demand a better future and have not lost hope that a different world is possible.
Written on signs:
The wire must go
A different world is possible
My body, my decision
Where we will sleep tomorrow? Affordable living
Equal under the rainbow
Only yes means yes
Protect the rights of animals; Go vegan
Climate justice
Animal husbandry kills
There is no planet B
Stop €
Young people do care
Let’s build communities of joint decision-making
Nobody is illegal
Cross-border solidarity
The rights of migrant workers and asylum seekers
Against the politics of hate
Freedom of movement for people, not capital
The invisible workers of the world
Stop racism
Human rights for Roma
Degrowth; less = more
Stop exploitation
Precarious workers of the world, unite!
Infinite growth is not possible
For drinking water
Systemic climate changes
Galeries and Institutions
- Alkatraz Gallery
- ArtFem.TV
- Culture.si
- Hiša kulture v Pivki
- International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)
- Museum of Modern Art (Moderna galerija)
- Odprta zbornica za sodobno umetnost
- Outcasting
- P74 Center and Gallery
- Photon Gallery
- SCCA-Ljubljana
- Simulaker
- Škuc Gallery
- The Bring In Take Out Living Archive
- The Gallery of Fine Arts Slovenj Gradec (Koroška galerija likovnih umetnosti Slovenj Gradec)
- Umetnostna galerija Maribor (UGM)