War and Us / War and Peace

Saturday, March 25th, 2017 | Exhibitions

Exhibition: War and Us / War and Peace
Venue: KAPSULA, Trg Prekomorskih brigad 1, Ljubljana, SI
Date: March 30 – April 21, 2017

Curator: Mojca Grmek
Artists: Vesna Bukovec, Neža Jurman, Simon Kocjančič, Erik Mavrič, Nika Rupnik, Leon Zuodar

The exhibition is KAPSULA is part of extended project by Hiša kulture v Pivki (House of culture in Pivka).

The title Vojna in mi(r) is a word pun in Slovene language and translates into two meanings that can’t be written together in the same way in English: War and Us/War and Peace. As the title suggests, the idea for the project refers to Tolstoy’s novel War and Peace, which talks about Russian society during the Napoleonic wars. Similarly, the project War and Us/War and Peace addresses the global problems of war and their impact on social life in the local environment, i.e. in Slovenia. The time frame of the project is determined by the impact of wars on the generation of 1975-95. This influence starts with World War II through the lives of our parents and grandparents and extends to the Cold War and the wars that followed the disintegration of Yugoslavia, to the wars in the Middle East today. The main theme of the project is a critical look at the impact of these wars on the social life in our country, from the standpoint of – as in Tolstoy’s novel – opposing to war and advocating of peace.

More about the project


I am participating with the woodcut War is Bussines.

Slovensko | English

Vesna Bukovec is a contemporary visual artist based in Slovenia.

She is a member of the art group KOLEKTIVA

