Video večerja / Video Dinner

Sunday, June 26th, 2011 | Exhibitions

Exhibition: Video večer / Video Evening #06: Video večerja / Video Dinner
Location: Photon Gallery, Ljubljana
Date: June 28, 2011 at 8 p.m.

Curator: Aleksandra Saška Gruden (SI)

Artists: Mirjana Batinić (HR/SI), Vesna Bukovec (SI), Aleksandra Saška Gruden (SI), Vesna Krebs (SI), Marko Ornik (SI), Ana Pečar (SI), Borut Popenko (SI), Rene Rusjan (SI), Zoran Srdić Janežič (SI), Miha Vipotnik (SI)

Marko Ornik

Marko Ornik: Adaptive Mood, 2002, still

Kolektiva Institute is organizing Video Evenings every month in Photon Gallery. Video Evening is a an event in which we screen video selections prepared by various invited artists, curators, institutions, associations and festivals.
In the sixth Video Evening KOLEKTIVA is presenting a selection of videos from Cultural Incubator’s (Maribor, SI) monthly events that combine food and visual image. At the screening artist/curator Aleksandra Saška Gruden will prepare freshly mixed fruit & vegetable juices.

More info:
Video Evening #06: Video Dinner
Descriptions & images of videos & artists’ CVs

I am participating with the video Everything I eat turns to health, beauty and love, 2010.

Vesna Bukovec, Everything I eat turns to health, beauty and love

Slovensko | English

Vesna Bukovec is a contemporary visual artist based in Slovenia.

She is a member of the art group KOLEKTIVA

