Sodelovanje na OFF-Biennale Budapest

Sunday, April 25th, 2021 | Novice, Razstave

Razstava: Order and Dreams, OFF-Biennale Budapest: INHALE!
Lokacija: Na spletu (Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives)
Datum: 23. 4.–30. 5. 2021

Umetnice in umetniki: Damir Očko, Daniel Baker, Kata Szivós–Dominika Trapp–Noémi Varga, Krisztián Kristóf, Tamás Páll, Vesna Bukovec

Kuratorka: Katalin Székely
Raziskovalno delo: sodelavci arhiva Vera and Donald Blinken Open Society Archives

Razstava Order and Dreams (Red in sanje) je eden od 14 programov OFF-Biennala. Predstavlja kontekst pesmi Levegőt! (A Breath of Air! / Vdih!), ki je navdihnil celotno izdajo bienala.

Pesem Vdih! je Attila József, ki velja za enega največjih madžarskih pesnikov 20. stoletja, napisal novembra 1935. To naj bi bil čas miru in obilja: Evropa – in Madžarska – sta premagali krizo velike depresije; red je bil obnovljen. Toda kakšen red je to bil, ki ga pesnik “ni sanjal”? Raziskovalno-razstavni projekt skozi arhivsko gradivo predstavlja politični in družbeni kontekst pesmi, sodobna umetniška dela pa ponujajo možno branje 21. stoletja.

Več o razstavi
Direktna povezva na spletno razstavo

O bienalu

OFF-Biennale Budapest is the largest independent contemporary art event in Hungary. It started in 2014 as a grassroots initiative, a “garage” biennale set up by a small group of art professionals in order to create a platform for exchange between art practitioners and other members of society, to strengthen the local independent art scene. OFF has never applied for Hungarian public funding and steered clear of state-run art institutions. This is a political statement as much as a practical solution to protect freedom of artistic expression and professional integrity.

Tretja edicija največje neodvisne prireditve sodobne umetnosti na Madžarskem, OFF-Biennale Budapest, je naslovljena INHALE! (Vdih!). OFF-bienale leta 2021 premierno predstavlja 14 projektov, ki obravnavajo ekologijo, vzhodnoevropske nacionalizme in politično domišljijo; s poudarkom na umetniških predlogih, ki več kot le kažejo na te kompleksne, zapletene probleme. Posebej za bienale ustvarjene projekte bodo v okviru projekta Dnevna soba spremljali javni programi. Dnevna soba je predhodni dogodek documente 15 na OFF-Bienalu v Budimpešti, ki poteka v povezavi s povabilom OFF-a kot lumbung člana na petnajsti documenti.

OFF-Biennale Budapest je največji neodvisni dogodek sodobne umetnosti na Madžarskem. Začel se je leta 2014 kot skupnostna pobuda, “garažni” bienale, ki ga je ustanovila majhna skupina akterk in akterjev sodobne umetnosti, z namenom kreiranja platforme za izmenjavo med umetniki in drugimi člani družbe in krepitve lokalne neodvisne umetniške scene. OFF se ni nikoli prijavil za madžarsko javno financiranje in se izogiba državnim umetniškim institucijam. To je politična izjava kot praktična rešitev za zaščito svobode umetniškega izražanja in poklicne integritete.
fb: offbiennalebudapest

Sodelujem s serijo risb In vendar me briga / And yet I do bother (2019), ki bodo na spletni verziji razstave predstavljene v obliki videa. Moje delo je umeščeno v poglavje 5 My Homeland.

Besedilo kuratorke Katalin Székely o mojem delu:

The utopian impetus of the avant-garde was broken by the realities of the 1930s. Many avant-garde artists were chased away or crushed by the various regimes of the 20th century. In this moment of crisis, some artists retreated to their ivory towers, focusing on the matters of their own métier. Others decided to join forces with the political powers they still believed in, often at the cost of losing their artistic integrity. And some continued to believe that the world can be changed through their words and works. And what can be said about the impetus of the socially-engaged art of the 21st century? In our moment of crisis, do artists decide to stay out of socio-political issues that—as individuals—they do not have any major influence over? Or do they still believe that art can have a say in these matters? Do they still bother?

During the last decade, the drawings and videos by Vesna Bukovec gained her recognition in and outside of Slovenia as an artist dealing with the burning issues of today’s society: the consequences of neoliberal ideology, the socio-political reality in Slovenia, the refugee crisis, and the role of women in contemporary society. The title of the series of drawings And yet I do bother, now presented in a form of video produced for the OFF-Biennale Budapest, is a response to her previous series of drawings with the ironic title I can’t be bothered … [Briga me …, 2018], in which she exposed the passivity of people who only care about personal matters, completely neglecting the wider socio-political issues. The drawings of And yet I do bother takes widely circulated media images of brave women from the history of the 20th and 21st centuries, who, in the words of curator and art historian Nataša Kovšca, “fought and are still fighting for social change as well as against social, political and sexual inequalities, from the suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst to the Swedish climate change activist Greta Thunberg, along with some unknown names. No matter whether known or anonymous women protesters are involved, images that according to the artist became ‘a symbol of the fight against oppression’ create hope that the world can be changed.”

Slovensko | English


